DroSpeGe About Arthropods BLAST BioMart Maps Data News
            GO:0035151 Ngenes=9,  regulation of tracheal tube size, P:development
GO/Gene_ID   cele dpul dmel dpse dvir
GO:0035151     20    8   17   13   13
CG10624         0    0    1    1    1
CG11949         2    2    5    1    2
CG12369         0    1    1    1    2
CG1634          2    1    1    2    1
CG3903          1    2    2    2    1
CG4717          6    1    1    1    2
CG4761          9    0    1    1    1
CG6827          1    1    3    2    1
CG9261          1    0    2    2    2

Developed at the Genome Informatics Lab of Indiana University Biology Department