DroSpeGe About Arthropods BLAST BioMart Maps Data News

Results from Arthropod Gene Clusters

Query: arthropodxml-source:eugenes No. matches = 27493 of 27496 documents, in 0.0070 sec.
6501ARP1_G6500111154Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ped Tri similar to sex-determining protein fem-1 (LOC ...
6502ARP1_G6501101144Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Nas Ped similar to IQ motif and WD repeats 1 (LOC1001 ...
6503ARP1_G650291152Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Ped similar to conserved hypothetical protein (LO ...
6504ARP1_G650391145Ano Aph Cul Dap Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to conserved hypothetical protein (LO ...
6505ARP1_G6504101127Aed Ano Aph Api Dap Dro Dro Dro Ped Tri similar to Anaphase Promoting Complex, putati ...
6506ARP1_G6505111143Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Tri similar to AGAP009136-PA (LOC100167037)
6507ARP1_G6506111134Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri tRNA delta(2)-isopentenylpyrophosphate transferase
6508ARP1_G6507101178Aed Aph Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to AGAP001581-PA (LOC100161256)
6509ARP1_G6508101129Aed Ano Aph Api Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Tri similar to Syntaxin 17 CG7452-PA (LOC100161689)
6510ARP1_G6509101152Ano Aph Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to AGAP003797-PA (LOC100165542)
6511ARP1_G6510111129Aed Ano Aph Api Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to Uncharacterized protein KIAA1033 ( ...
6512ARP1_G6511111167Aed Ano Aph Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to AGAP002330-PA (LOC100162027), part ...
6513ARP1_G6512111143Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to GA11485-PA (LOC100168190)
6514ARP1_G6513111155Aed Ano Aph Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Ped Tri similar to AGAP009603-PA (LOC100159031)
6515ARP1_G651491148Aed Ano Aph Cul Dro Dro Dro Ped Tri hypothetical protein
6516ARP1_G6515111167Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to AGAP011333-PA (LOC100167661)
6517ARP1_G6516111126Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ped Tri similar to conserved hypothetical protein (LO ...
6518ARP1_G651791160Aed Ano Aph Cul Dro Dro Dro Ped Tri similar to AGAP009641-PA (LOC100167826)
6519ARP1_G6518111135Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to AGAP007336-PA (LOC100169471)
6520ARP1_G6519111131Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ped Tri similar to MGC82581 protein (LOC100162523)
6521ARP1_G6520101150Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Ixo Ped similar to myokinin receptor (LOC100159388)
6522ARP1_G6521101142Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to aldo-keto reductase (LOC100160409)
6523ARP1_G6522111140Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to conserved hypothetical protein (LO ...
6524ARP1_G6523111183Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to ADP ribosylationfactor 102F CG1102 ...
6525ARP1_G6524111161Aed Ano Aph Api Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Tri similar to mKIAA1301 protein (LOC100164015)
6526ARP1_G6525111131Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ped Tri conserved hypothetical protein
6527ARP1_G6526101142Aed Aph Api Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to Elongin A CG6755-PB (LOC100165208)
6528ARP1_G6527111167Aed Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to Splicing factor 1 CG5836-PA (LOC10 ...
6529ARP1_G6528111142Aed Ano Aph Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to CG9572 CG9572-PA (LOC100164389)
6530ARP1_G6529111167Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Tri similar to CG8078 CG8078-PA (LOC100165789)
6531ARP1_G6530111142Aed Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to Glycerate kinase (LOC100167150)
6532ARP1_G6531111133Aed Ano Aph Api Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri ribonuclease P, 29kD-subunit, putative
6533ARP1_G6532111182Aed Ano Aph Api Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to GA14759-PA (LOC100165035)
6534ARP1_G6533101151Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Nas Tri similar to AGAP012507-PA (LOC100159134)
6535ARP1_G6534111123Aed Ano Aph Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to NADH-cytochrome b5 reductase 3 (Cy ...
6536ARP1_G6535111127Ano Aph Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to conserved hypothetical protein (LO ...
6537ARP1_G6536111128Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped conserved hypothetical protein
6538ARP1_G6537111134Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped conserved hypothetical protein
6539ARP1_G6538111144Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped similar to AGAP009532-PA (LOC100162706)
6540ARP1_G6539111134Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped conserved hypothetical protein
6541ARP1_G6540111158Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ped Tri similar to rdgBbeta CG17818-PA (LOC100160207)
6542ARP1_G6541111168Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas similar to calcium/calmodulin-dependent 3,5-c ...
6543ARP1_G6542111155Aed Ano Aph Api Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to flap endonuclease-1 (LOC100160968)
6544ARP1_G6543111170Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to signal peptidase 18 kDa subunit (L ...
6545ARP1_G6544111126Aed Ano Aph Api Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri eg:34f3.4 protein
6546ARP1_G6545101137Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to calpain (LOC100168727)
6547ARP1_G6546111140Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to C-type lectin (AGAP003625-PA) (LOC ...
6548ARP1_G6547111131Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ped Tri similar to CWF19-like protein 1 (LOC100164003)
6549ARP1_G6548101132Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped similar to organic cation transporter (LOC100 ...
6550ARP1_G6549101161Aed Aph Api Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to unkempt homolog-like (LOC100161020)
6551ARP1_G6550101132Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to Cell growth regulator with RING fi ...
6552ARP1_G6551111132Aed Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to X-ray repair complementing defecti ...
6553ARP1_G6552101141Aed Ano Aph Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ped Tri similar to chimerin (rho- gtpase-activating p ...
6554ARP1_G6553101158Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Nas Tri similar to yellow-like protein (LOC100162062) ...
6555ARP1_G6554101146Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to maggie CG14981-PA (LOC100168875)
6556ARP1_G6555111134Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Tri similar to AGAP001147-PA (LOC100165318)
6557ARP1_G6556111155Aed Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to GA15430-PA (LOC100162382)
6558ARP1_G6557101150Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Nas Tri similar to AGAP010872-PA (LOC100160432)
6559ARP1_G6558111135Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to CG8516 CG8516-PA (LOC100165575)
6560ARP1_G6559111144Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Tri similar to CG9306 CG9306-PA (LOC100165246)
6561ARP1_G6560111157Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to thyroid hormone receptor interacto ...
6562ARP1_G6561111128Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri conserved hypothetical protein
6563ARP1_G656291151Aed Ano Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ped Tri conserved hypothetical protein
6564ARP1_G6563101159Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Tri single-stranded DNA binding protein, putative
6565ARP1_G6564101142Aed Ano Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Ped Tri serine protease
6566ARP1_G6565101160Aed Ano Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri inositol triphosphate 3-kinase c
6567ARP1_G6566101147Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas sodium/shloride dependent amino acid transporter
6568ARP1_G656791141Aed Ano Cul Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri acyl-CoA oxidase
6569ARP1_G6568111169Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri Sm protein G, putative
6570ARP1_G6569101155Aed Ano Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri P21-activated kinase, pak
6571ARP1_G6570111133Aed Ano Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri omega-crystallin, putative
6572ARP1_G6571111149Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri Wnt10a protein, putative
6573ARP1_G6572111156Aed Ano Api Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri carbonic anhydrase
6574ARP1_G6573111158Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri wingless protein, putative
6575ARP1_G6574101151Aed Ano Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri matrix metalloproteinase
6576ARP1_G6575101132Aed Ano Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri conserved hypothetical protein
6577ARP1_G657691135Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Ixo Nas Ped Tri conserved hypothetical protein
6578ARP1_G6577111126Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri conserved hypothetical protein
6579ARP1_G6578111148Aed Ano Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri conserved hypothetical protein
6580ARP1_G657991139Aed Ano Api Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Tri alkaline phosphatase
6581ARP1_G6580101124Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri hypothetical protein
6582ARP1_G6581111128Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri conserved hypothetical protein
6583ARP1_G6582111127Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Tri conserved hypothetical protein
6584ARP1_G6583111120Aed Ano Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri conserved hypothetical protein
6585ARP1_G6584111143Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri regulatory factor X-associated ankyrin-contai ...
6586ARP1_G6585111132Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri conserved hypothetical protein
6587ARP1_G6586101126Aed Ano Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri conserved hypothetical protein
6588ARP1_G6587111163Aed Ano Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri transcription factor Hairy, putative
6589ARP1_G6588101132Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas conserved hypothetical protein
6590ARP1_G6589111136Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri conserved hypothetical protein
6591ARP1_G6590101152Aed Ano Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri short-chain dehydrogenase
6592ARP1_G6591111169Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri conserved hypothetical protein
6593ARP1_G6592101141Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas organic anion transporter
6594ARP1_G659391134Aed Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Tri fucosyltransferase 11 (fut11)
6595ARP1_G6594111144Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri conserved hypothetical protein
6596ARP1_G6595101151Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri outer mitochondrial translocase subunit, putative
6597ARP1_G659691162Aed Ano Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Nas Tri cuticle protein, putative
6598ARP1_G659791138Aed Ano Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Nas Tri conserved hypothetical protein
6599ARP1_G659881132Aed Ano Cul Dap Ixo Nas Ped Tri conserved hypothetical protein
6600ARP1_G659961182Aed Ano Cul Dro Dro Dro conserved hypothetical protein
6601ARP1_G660091126Aed Ano Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Nas Tri conserved hypothetical protein
6602ARP1_G6601111157Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri sidestep protein
6603ARP1_G6602111132Aed Ano Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri ADP ribosylation factor, putative
6604ARP1_G6603101126Aed Ano Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri conserved hypothetical protein
6605ARP1_G6604101128Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ped Tri protein disulfide isomerase
6606ARP1_G660581126Aed Ano Cul Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped conserved hypothetical protein
6607ARP1_G6606111134Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri conserved hypothetical protein
6608ARP1_G660791144Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas conserved hypothetical protein
6609ARP1_G6608111129Aed Ano Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri wd-repeat protein
6610ARP1_G660971127Aed Ano Cul Dro Dro Dro Ped Juvenile hormone-inducible protein, putative
6611ARP1_G6610111148Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri conserved hypothetical protein
6612ARP1_G661191142Aed Ano Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Tri peroxisomal targeting signal 2 receptor
6613ARP1_G6612101161Aed Ano Cul Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri forkhead protein/ forkhead protein domain
6614ARP1_G6613111133Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Ped Tri cyclohex-1-ene-1-carboxyl-CoA hydratase, putative
6615ARP1_G6614101133Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Tri conserved hypothetical protein
6616ARP1_G6615111140Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri zinc finger protein
6617ARP1_G6616101148Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Tri argininosuccinate lyase
6618ARP1_G661751122Aed Ano Cul Dro Nas Odorant receptor 94a, putative
6619ARP1_G6618111168Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped threonine dehydrogenase
6620ARP1_G6619111163Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri conserved hypothetical protein
6621ARP1_G662061128Aed Ano Api Cul Nas Tri conserved hypothetical protein
6622ARP1_G662171143Aed Ano Cul Dro Dro Ped Tri conserved hypothetical protein
6623ARP1_G6622111133Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri conserved hypothetical protein
6624ARP1_G6623101142Aed Ano Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri leukocyte receptor tyrosine protein kinase
6625ARP1_G6624111134Aed Ano Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri conserved hypothetical protein
6626ARP1_G6625101138Aed Ano Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri n-acetylglucosaminyl-phosphatidylinositol de- ...
6627ARP1_G6626101143Aed Ano Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Tri bone morphogenetic protein receptor type II, ...
6628ARP1_G6627101140Aed Ano Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri conserved hypothetical protein
6629ARP1_G6628101147Aed Ano Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Tri conserved hypothetical protein
6630ARP1_G6629101142Aed Ano Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri hypothetical protein
6631ARP1_G6630111152Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri hypothetical protein
6632ARP1_G6631111145Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri conserved hypothetical protein
6633ARP1_G6632111146Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Ped Tri pmp22 peroxisomal membrane protein, putative
6634ARP1_G6633101134Aed Ano Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped conserved hypothetical protein
6635ARP1_G6634111131Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri conserved hypothetical protein
6636ARP1_G663591143Aed Ano Cul Dro Dro Dro Ixo Ped Tri hypothetical protein
6637ARP1_G6636101157Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Tri conserved hypothetical protein
6638ARP1_G6637111139Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri M-phase phosphoprotein, putative
6639ARP1_G6638101144Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Tri conserved hypothetical protein
6640ARP1_G6639111141Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Tri ubiquinone binding protein, putative
6641ARP1_G6640111150Aed Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri conserved hypothetical protein
6642ARP1_G6641101145Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped mitochondrial ribosomal protein, L23, putative
6643ARP1_G664271133Aed Ano Cul Dro Dro Dro Ped carnitine o-acyltransferase
6644ARP1_G664321154Aed Cul juvenile hormone esterase
6645ARP1_G664491160Aed Ano Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Tri stretch regulated skeletal muscle protein, pu ...
6646ARP1_G6645111150Aed Ano Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri skeletrophin
6647ARP1_G6646101141Aed Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri conserved hypothetical protein
6648ARP1_G6647111137Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri synaptotagmin-14
6649ARP1_G664891133Aed Ano Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Nas Tri carbonic anhydrase
6650ARP1_G664991123Aed Ano Cul Dap Dro Dro Ixo Ped Tri conserved hypothetical protein
6651ARP1_G6650101157Aed Ano Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri defective proboscis extension response, putative
6652ARP1_G6651111141Aed Ano Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri MRAS2, putative
6653ARP1_G6652101129Aed Ano Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Ped Tri factor for adipocyte differentiation
6654ARP1_G665391124Aed Ano Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Nas Tri nuclear RNA export factor 2 (NXF2), putative
6655ARP1_G665471141Aed Ano Cul Dro Dro Dro Tri amidase
6656ARP1_G665591136Aed Ano Cul Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri tetraspanin, putative
6657ARP1_G6656101147Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ped Tri hypothetical protein
6658ARP1_G665791135Aed Ano Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas hypothetical protein
6659ARP1_G6658101132Aed Ano Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Tri conserved hypothetical protein
6660ARP1_G6659101143Aed Ano Api Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri beta-1,4-galactosyltransferase
6661ARP1_G6660101156Aed Ano Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri centrin, putative
6662ARP1_G6661111139Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri rab
6663ARP1_G6662101127Aed Ano Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri axonemal dynein intermediate chain inner arm i1
6664ARP1_G6663101140Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Tri dna polymerase iota
6665ARP1_G6664111136Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri sorting nexin
6666ARP1_G6665101143Aed Ano Api Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri tachykinin receptor
6667ARP1_G666631170Aed Ano Cul conserved hypothetical protein
6668ARP1_G666791142Aed Ano Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Nas Tri conserved hypothetical protein
6669ARP1_G6668101148Aed Ano Api Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri conserved hypothetical protein
6670ARP1_G6669111127Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri suppressor of ty3
6671ARP1_G6670111127Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri conserved hypothetical protein
6672ARP1_G6671101163Aed Ano Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Tri retinal guanylate cyclase
6673ARP1_G6672111148Aed Ano Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri conserved hypothetical protein
6674ARP1_G6673101162Aed Ano Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri odd skipped, putative
6675ARP1_G6674101145Aed Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri wd-repeat protein
6676ARP1_G6675101148Aed Ano Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Ped Tri conserved hypothetical protein
6677ARP1_G667681136Aed Ano Cul Dro Dro Dro Ped Tri geminin, putative
6678ARP1_G6677111134Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri conserved hypothetical protein
6679ARP1_G6678111138Aed Ano Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri conserved hypothetical protein
6680ARP1_G6679111123Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri conserved hypothetical protein
6681ARP1_G668081137Aed Ano Cul Dro Dro Dro Nas Tri conserved hypothetical protein
6682ARP1_G6681111146Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri phospholysine phosphohistidine inorganic pyro ...
6683ARP1_G6682111168Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri transmembrane 9 superfamily protein member 4
6684ARP1_G668391141Aed Ano Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped organic anion transporter
6685ARP1_G6684111154Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped conserved hypothetical protein
6686ARP1_G6685101127Aed Ano Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri hypothetical protein
6687ARP1_G668661145Aed Ano Cul Dro Dro Dro cytochrome P450
6688ARP1_G6687101133Aed Ano Api Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri tyrosine protein kinase with ig domain
6689ARP1_G668861133Aed Ano Api Cul Dro Dro conserved hypothetical protein
6690ARP1_G6689111148Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri conserved hypothetical protein
6691ARP1_G6690111132Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri sorting nexin
6692ARP1_G6691111125Aed Ano Api Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri apsB, putative
6693ARP1_G669281141Aed Api Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri conserved hypothetical protein
6694ARP1_G669361136Aed Cul Dro Dro Dro Tri trypsin
6695ARP1_G669491141Aed Ano Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Nas Tri conserved hypothetical protein
6696ARP1_G6695101136Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped conserved hypothetical protein
6697ARP1_G6696111134Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri conserved hypothetical protein
6698ARP1_G6697111145Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri conserved hypothetical protein
6699ARP1_G6698101147Aed Ano Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri aldo-keto reductase
6700ARP1_G6699111131Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped conserved hypothetical protein
6701ARP1_G670071143Aed Api Dro Dro Dro Nas Tri juvenile hormone esterase
6702ARP1_G6701111141Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri conserved hypothetical protein
6703ARP1_G6702101148Aed Ano Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Ped Tri adenylate cyclase type
6704ARP1_G6703111158Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri peroxiredoxin 6, prx-6
6705ARP1_G670491136Aed Ano Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ped Tri conserved hypothetical protein
6706ARP1_G6705111165Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Ped Tri rab
6707ARP1_G670681131Aed Ano Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas conserved hypothetical protein
6708ARP1_G6707111132Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri conserved hypothetical protein
6709ARP1_G6708111132Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri Pep12p, putative
6710ARP1_G6709101139Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Tri phd finger domain
6711ARP1_G6710111123Aed Ano Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri mitochondrial ribosomal protein, L10, putative
6712ARP1_G6711111135Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Ped Tri conserved hypothetical protein
6713ARP1_G6712101141Aed Ano Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Ped Tri alanyl-tRNA synthetase
6714ARP1_G6713101128Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Tri conserved hypothetical protein
6715ARP1_G671491142Aed Ano Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Tri conserved hypothetical protein
6716ARP1_G671521144Aed Cul predicted protein
6717ARP1_G671661129Aed Ano Cul Dro Dro Dro chloride channel, putative
6718ARP1_G6717111142Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri conserved hypothetical protein
6719ARP1_G6718101138Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ped Tri conserved hypothetical protein
6720ARP1_G671961132Aed Ano Cul Dro Dro Dro conserved hypothetical protein
6721ARP1_G672091172Aed Ano Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Ped ras-related protein, putative
6722ARP1_G6721101139Aed Ano Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri sugar transporter
6723ARP1_G6722111134Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri conserved hypothetical protein
6724ARP1_G6723101127Aed Ano Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri conserved hypothetical protein
6725ARP1_G6724111135Aed Ano Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri conserved hypothetical protein
6726ARP1_G6725111129Aed Ano Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri programmed cell death protein 11 (pre-rrna pr ...
6727ARP1_G6726111152Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri conserved hypothetical protein
6728ARP1_G6727111132Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri conserved hypothetical protein
6729ARP1_G6728111142Aed Ano Api Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri conserved hypothetical protein
6730ARP1_G6729101123Aed Ano Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri retina aberrant in pattern, putative
6731ARP1_G673021132Aed Cul hypothetical protein
6732ARP1_G6731101150Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped NADH dehydrogenase, putative
6733ARP1_G673281150Aed Ano Dap Dro Dro Dro Ped Tri cytochrome B561
6734ARP1_G673371131Aed Ano Api Cul Nas Ped Tri hypothetical protein
6735ARP1_G673491137Aed Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri carnitine o-acetyltransferase
6736ARP1_G673581133Aed Ano Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Tri sugar transporter
6737ARP1_G6736101151Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Ped corazonin receptor
6738ARP1_G6737101133Aed Ano Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri conserved hypothetical protein
6739ARP1_G673861132Aed Ano Cul Dro Dro Dro peptidoglycan recognition protein-1, putative
6740ARP1_G6739101152Aed Ano Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Ped Tri cyclic-nucleotide-gated cation channel
6741ARP1_G6740101128Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Tri conserved hypothetical protein
6742ARP1_G6741101141Aed Ano Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Tri conserved hypothetical protein
6743ARP1_G674231128Aed Dro Dro cytochrome P450
6744ARP1_G674391131Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Nas Ped Tri sarcolemmal associated protein, putative
6745ARP1_G6744101173Aed Ano Api Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri camp-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit
6746ARP1_G6745111140Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri conserved hypothetical protein
6747ARP1_G6746111153Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri zinc finger protein
6748ARP1_G6747111143Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri pef protein with a long n-terminal hydrophobi ...
6749ARP1_G674881139Aed Ano Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Nas prolylcarboxypeptidase, putative
6750ARP1_G674921135Aed Nas conserved hypothetical protein
6751ARP1_G6750111156Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri conserved hypothetical protein
6752ARP1_G6751111150Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Tri conserved hypothetical protein
6753ARP1_G675271132Aed Ano Api Cul Dro Dro Nas protease m1 zinc metalloprotease
6754ARP1_G675361137Aed Ano Cul Dro Dro Dro conserved hypothetical protein
6755ARP1_G6754101127Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ped Tri amp dependent ligase
6756ARP1_G6755101139Aed Ano Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri conserved hypothetical protein
6757ARP1_G675691135Aed Ano Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Nas Tri conserved hypothetical protein
6758ARP1_G675791157Aed Ano Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ped Tri conserved hypothetical protein
6759ARP1_G675891124Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas aminotransferase
6760ARP1_G675991130Aed Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri mrp4, putative
6761ARP1_G6760101131Aed Ano Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri conserved hypothetical protein
6762ARP1_G6761111139Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri phosphatidylserine receptor
6763ARP1_G6762111135Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Tri calicylin binding protein
6764ARP1_G676371143Aed Api Cul Ixo Nas Ped Tri conserved hypothetical protein
6765ARP1_G6764111126Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri conserved hypothetical protein
6766ARP1_G6765111158Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri conserved hypothetical protein
6767ARP1_G6766111136Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped meiotic recombination protein spo11
6768ARP1_G6767101155Aed Ano Api Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri conserved hypothetical protein
6769ARP1_G6768111157Aed Ano Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri conserved hypothetical protein
6770ARP1_G6769101139Aed Ano Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Ped Tri t1/st2 receptor binding protein
6771ARP1_G6770111154Aed Ano Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri sex-determining protein fem-1
6772ARP1_G6771111145Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri protein phosphatase 2c
6773ARP1_G6772111129Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri hypothetical protein
6774ARP1_G6773111126Aed Ano Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri Rad51A protein, putative
6775ARP1_G6774111142Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to CG3815-PA (LOC725317),mRNA
6776ARP1_G677521134Api Nas similar to CG8234-PA, isoform A(LOC412007)
6777ARP1_G6776101123Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Tri PREDICTED: Apis mellifera hypothetical protei ...
6778ARP1_G677721128Api Nas similar to Odorant receptor 24aCG11767-PA (LO ...
6779ARP1_G677891149Api Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to M-spondin CG10145-PA(LOC726068)
6780ARP1_G677981174Api Dap Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to Calcium activatedprotein for secre ...
6781ARP1_G678081149Api Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to CG10249-PA, isoform A(LOC408697)
6782ARP1_G678131134Api Nas Tri similar to venom acid phosphatase (LOC100122355)
6783ARP1_G678251146Api Dro Dro Dro Nas similar to CG1220-PE, isoform E(LOC552461)
6784ARP1_G678391135Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Tri conserved hypothetical protein loc=supercont ...
6785ARP1_G678471128Ano Dap Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to Caenorhabditis elegans/Zinc metall ...
6786ARP1_G678511131Ano candidate odorant receptor [Source:Anopheles_ ...
6787ARP1_G678611139Cul tyrosine phosphatase loc=supercont3.42|4029|4580
6788ARP1_G678711164Cul mRNA loc=supercont3.87|324014|325584
6789ARP1_G678821135Cul Nas predicted protein loc=supercont3.347|364020| ...
6798ARP1_G679711154Dap similar to Arabidopsis thaliana/F15O4.13
6799ARP1_G679811154Dap similar to Drosophila melanogaster/CG9791-PB, ...
6800ARP1_G679911195Dap similar to Saccharomyces cerevisiae/Antiviral ...
6807ARP1_G680631185Dro Dro Dro Ribonuclear protein at 97D CG6354-PI, isoform ...
6812ARP1_G681121149Dro Ixo
6814ARP1_G681321154Ixo Nas
6824ARP1_G682311143Tri similar to cytochrome P450 (LOC657325)
6825ARP1_G682411042Aph similar to HAT dimerisation (LOC100166721), p ...
6827ARP1_G682611049Aph PREDICTED: Acyrthosiphon pisum hypothetical p ...
6828ARP1_G682741046Aph Dap Nas Ped similar to MGC80968 protein, transcript varia ...
6829ARP1_G682881036Aed Aph Api Cul Dro Ixo Ped Tri conserved hypothetical protein
6830ARP1_G6829101057Ano Aph Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Ixo Ped Tri similar to AGAP001747-PA (LOC100161292)
6831ARP1_G683091033Ano Aph Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Ped Tri similar to AGAP005622-PA (LOC100163869)
6834ARP1_G683321048Aph Nas PREDICTED: Acyrthosiphon pisum hypothetical p ...
6835ARP1_G6834101041Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas similar to CG18445 CG18445-PA (LOC100167870)
6837ARP1_G683621042Aph Tri
6838ARP1_G6837101041Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Tri similar to transmembrane protein 63A (LOC1001 ...
6839ARP1_G683811026Aph similar to plexin D1 (LOC100164931)
6840ARP1_G6839101038Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas similar to kappa b-ras (LOC100163060)
6841ARP1_G684081050Aed Ano Aph Cul Dap Dro Dro Nas conserved hypothetical protein
6842ARP1_G684121040Aph Tri PREDICTED: Acyrthosiphon pisum hypothetical p ...
6844ARP1_G684311041Aph similar to conserved hypothetical protein (LO ...
6845ARP1_G6844101050Aed Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ped Tri similar to WD repeat domain 48 (LOC100167540)
6846ARP1_G6845101034Aed Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to LOC503675 protein (LOC100165407)
6847ARP1_G6846101046Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped similar to conserved hypothetical protein (LO ...
6848ARP1_G6847101070Ano Aph Api Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to Lim1 CG11354-PA (LOC100158984)
6850ARP1_G6849101049Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to IP12923p (LOC100160043)
6851ARP1_G685091032Aed Ano Aph Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ped conserved hypothetical protein
6852ARP1_G6851101046Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Ped Tri similar to Rlip CG11622-PA (LOC100163811)
6854ARP1_G685391044Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Ixo Ped Tri similar to Syndecan binding protein (syntenin ...
6856ARP1_G685521034Aph Dap
6858ARP1_G6857101046Aed Ano Aph Api Dap Dro Dro Dro Ped Tri similar to CG4452 CG4452-PA (LOC100169441)
6859ARP1_G6858101055Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to Rgk1 CG9811-PA (LOC100160125), par ...
6860ARP1_G685911042Aph similar to cathepsin B-1674 (LOC100161139)
6862ARP1_G6861101077Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri conserved hypothetical protein
6863ARP1_G686291076Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Nas Ped Tri similar to serine protease (LOC100167464)
6864ARP1_G686381049Aph Api Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Tri similar to lupus la ribonucleoprotein (LOC100 ...
6865ARP1_G686421036Ano Aph
6866ARP1_G686521043Aph Nas
6867ARP1_G6866101044Ano Aph Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to CG10137 CG10137-PA (LOC100164778)
6869ARP1_G6868101024Aed Ano Aph Cul Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to conserved hypothetical protein (LO ...
6870ARP1_G6869101039Aed Aph Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri conserved hypothetical protein
6871ARP1_G6870101052Ano Aph Api Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to AGAP007868-PA (LOC100161579)
6872ARP1_G687191044Aed Ano Aph Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Tri similar to predicted protein (LOC100169514), ...
6874ARP1_G687331044Aph Dro Tri CG40317-PA.3 [Drosophila melanogaster]
6875ARP1_G687481032Aed Aph Dap Dro Dro Dro Ped Tri similar to lysosomal-associated transmembrane ...
6876ARP1_G687591047Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Nas Ped Tri similar to RNA pseudouridylate synthase domai ...
6878ARP1_G6877101039Aed Ano Aph Cul Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped similar to GA17111-PA (LOC100164769)
6879ARP1_G6878101038Aed Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to conserved hypothetical protein (LO ...
6880ARP1_G687971026Aph Dro Dro Dro Ixo Ped Tri Polycystic kidney disease gene-2 CG6504-PA [D ...
6881ARP1_G688081041Aed Aph Cul Dap Ixo Nas Ped Tri hypothetical protein
6882ARP1_G688141025Aph Dap Ixo Tri similar to zinc finger protein (LOC100168484)
6883ARP1_G6882101030Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Nas Tri similar to AGAP005539-PA (LOC100160719)
6884ARP1_G688321031Aph Nas
6885ARP1_G6884101072Aph Api Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to GA15309-PA (LOC100162558)
6887ARP1_G6886101041Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Tri similar to zinc finger protein 650 (LOC100159476)
6888ARP1_G6887101059Aed Ano Aph Api Dap Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to AGAP011648-PA (LOC100164198)
6889ARP1_G6888101043Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Nas Tri conserved hypothetical protein
6890ARP1_G688991025Aed Aph Api Cul Dap Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to Dihydroxyacetone kinase (Glycerone ...
6891ARP1_G6890101033Aed Ano Aph Api Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Tri similar to CG8503 CG8503-PA (LOC100164280)
6892ARP1_G6891101034Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Ixo Nas Ped Tri vacuolar sorting protein (vps)
6893ARP1_G689241027Aph Ixo Nas Tri
6894ARP1_G6893101030Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Tri similar to CG13913 CG13913-PA (LOC100166066)
6895ARP1_G6894101041Aed Ano Aph Api Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to CG32645 CG32645-PB (LOC100164026)
6896ARP1_G6895101030Aed Ano Aph Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Tri similar to AGAP007875-PA (LOC100164946)
6897ARP1_G689631035Aph Nas Tri similar to Zinc finger, TTF-type, HAT dimeris ...
6898ARP1_G6897101037Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Ped Tri similar to MGC79562 protein (LOC100159047)
6899ARP1_G689821040Aph Tri
6900ARP1_G6899101036Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to sphingosine-1-phosphate phosphohyd ...
6901ARP1_G6900101026Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Nas Tri similar to protease m1 zinc metalloprotease ( ...
6903ARP1_G690291025Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Nas Ped Tri similar to AGAP007206-PA (LOC100165871)
6904ARP1_G690391035Aed Ano Aph Cul Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped similar to CG14868 CG14868-PA (LOC100159748)
6905ARP1_G6904101039Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped wd-repeat protein
6906ARP1_G690561032Ano Aph Dap Dro Dro Dro similar to mRNA capping enzyme (LOC100169498)
6907ARP1_G690631043Aph Nas Tri
6908ARP1_G6907101028Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Nas Tri similar to CG18472 CG18472-PA (LOC100166175)
6909ARP1_G6908101042Aed Aph Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to JmjC domain-containing protein 5 ( ...
6911ARP1_G691081055Ano Aph Dap Dro Dro Dro Ped Tri similar to putative tachykinin receptor 1 (AG ...
6912ARP1_G691191036Aed Aph Api Cul Dap Ixo Nas Ped Tri conserved hypothetical protein
6913ARP1_G6912101092Aed Ano Aph Api Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Tri similar to smx5 (LOC100158887)
6914ARP1_G691391036Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Ped similar to GA17351-PA (LOC100164231)
6915ARP1_G6914101059Aed Ano Aph Api Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to AGAP001485-PA (LOC100169318)
6916ARP1_G6915101039Aed Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped similar to eukaryotic translation initiation ...
6917ARP1_G6916101054Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Tri similar to AGAP007573-PA (LOC100164965)
6918ARP1_G6917101041Aed Ano Aph Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ped Tri similar to MGC81149 protein (LOC100159158)
6919ARP1_G6918101032Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Ped Tri similar to beta-1,3-galactosyltransferase 6 ( ...
6920ARP1_G691991020Aed Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Ped Tri similar to conserved hypothetical protein (LO ...
6921ARP1_G6920101038Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas similar to AGAP005820-PA (LOC100165223)
6922ARP1_G692131058Aph Dap Nas
6923ARP1_G6922101049Aed Ano Aph Api Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to cd36 antigen (LOC100163966), parti ...
6924ARP1_G6923101053Aed Ano Aph Api Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to AGAP006880-PA (LOC100163704)
6925ARP1_G6924101041Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Nas Tri similar to AGAP003468-PA (LOC100165242)
6926ARP1_G6925101028Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Ped Tri similar to WD-40 domain protein (LOC100161995)
6927ARP1_G692691028Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Nas Ped Tri similar to BRCA2 (LOC100166339)
6928ARP1_G692791064Aed Aph Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Ped Tri similar to conserved hypothetical protein (LO ...
6929ARP1_G692891041Aed Aph Api Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Tri nervy
6930ARP1_G692931044Aph Ixo Tri
6931ARP1_G6930101034Aed Ano Aph Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Ped Tri Multiple PDZ domain protein
6932ARP1_G693181058Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dro Dro Dro c-terminal pdz ligand of neuronal nitric oxid ...
6933ARP1_G6932101043Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to wingless (LOC100159863)
6935ARP1_G693421032Aph Nas
6936ARP1_G693591048Aed Ano Aph Cul Dro Dro Dro Ped Tri similar to AGAP005565-PA (LOC100164155)
6937ARP1_G6936101052Aph Api Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to Organic anion transporting polypep ...
6938ARP1_G693781038Aed Aph Api Cul Dap Ixo Nas Tri b-cell translocation protein
6939ARP1_G6938101054Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Tri similar to AGAP005192-PA (LOC100167289), part ...
6940ARP1_G6939101042Ano Aph Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Tri similar to GA16856-PA (LOC100160503)
6941ARP1_G694091041Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Nas Ped Tri similar to exosome component 8 (LOC100162344)
6942ARP1_G694191034Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Nas Ped Tri similar to family with sequence similarity 82 ...
6943ARP1_G694221038Aph Ped
6944ARP1_G694381054Aed Ano Aph Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro similar to conserved hypothetical protein (LO ...
6946ARP1_G6945101027Aed Ano Aph Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped peroxisomal membrane protein, putative
6947ARP1_G6946101026Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to CG32104-PB(LOC551753)
6948ARP1_G694791065Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Nas Ped Tri similar to conserved hypothetical protein (LO ...
6949ARP1_G694871048Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Ped Tri similar to AGAP008245-PA (LOC100166532)
6950ARP1_G694991036Aed Ano Aph Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Tri similar to AGAP009495-PA (LOC100162338)
6951ARP1_G695091051Ano Aph Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Nas Tri similar to bitesize (LOC100160321)
6952ARP1_G6951101037Aed Aph Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri lipase
6953ARP1_G6952101025Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to epsin 4/enthoprotin (LOC100161682)
6954ARP1_G6953101037Aed Ano Aph Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ped Tri similar to LOC495421 protein (LOC100158841)
6955ARP1_G695491024Aed Ano Aph Api Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped PREDICTED: Acyrthosiphon pisum hypothetical p ...
6956ARP1_G6955101053Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dro Dro Ixo Nas Tri similar to Ets at 21C CG2914-PB (LOC100158756)
6957ARP1_G6956101035Aed Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ped Tri similar to CG12938 CG12938-PA (LOC100165287)
6958ARP1_G6957101086Aed Ano Aph Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Ped Tri similar to Six2 protein (LOC100160072)
6959ARP1_G695891033Aed Ano Aph Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to epithelial membrane protein (LOC10 ...
6960ARP1_G6959101049Aph Api Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to sirtuin (LOC100167327)
6961ARP1_G696051031Aed Ano Aph Cul Dro similar to conserved hypothetical protein (LO ...
6962ARP1_G696181048Aed Aph Api Cul Dap Nas Ped Tri similar to mesoderm induction early response ...
6963ARP1_G6962101036Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped similar to vesicular inhibitory amino acid tr ...
6964ARP1_G6963101046Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to kelch-like 10 (LOC100165373)
6965ARP1_G6964101067Ano Aph Api Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Ped Tri similar to AGAP006173-PA (LOC100168106)
6966ARP1_G696531030Aph Dap Ixo
6967ARP1_G6966101029Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ped similar to syntaxin-8 (LOC100164552)
6968ARP1_G696791032Aed Ano Aph Cul Dro Dro Dro Ped Tri similar to GA14606-PA (LOC100169203)
6969ARP1_G696891027Aed Ano Aph Cul Dro Dro Dro Nas Tri similar to abnormal spindle CG6875-PA (LOC100 ...
6970ARP1_G6969101032Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to zinc finger protein 830 (LOC100166390)
6971ARP1_G697091073Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Ped similar to CDC28 protein kinase regulatory su ...
6972ARP1_G697191038Aed Ano Aph Cul Dap Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to ns1 binding protein (LOC100159317)
6973ARP1_G6972101032Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to DNA replication licensing factor M ...
6974ARP1_G6973101050Aph Api Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to DNA-damage inducible protein (LOC1 ...
6975ARP1_G697491030Aph Api Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to mKIAA1738 protein (LOC100162455)
6976ARP1_G697591062Aph Api Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to CG34410 CG34410-PC (LOC100167066)
6977ARP1_G6976101026Aed Ano Aph Cul Dap Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to expressed protein (LOC100164880)
6978ARP1_G697731030Aed Aph Cul similar to predicted protein (LOC100168728)
6979ARP1_G697881034Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Nas Ped Tri similar to glucose-methanol-choline (gmc) oxi ...
6980ARP1_G697921036Aph Ixo
6981ARP1_G698081025Aed Aph Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Tri similar to CG3706 CG3706-PA (LOC100159327)
6982ARP1_G698131033Aph Dap Tri similar to Inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor heav ...
6983ARP1_G698291056Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Nas Ped Tri similar to acetylcholinesterase 1 (LOC100169250)
6984ARP1_G6983101025Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Nas Tri similar to pickpocket (LOC100167872)
6985ARP1_G6984101055Aed Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to scarecrow CG17594-PA (LOC100159676)
6986ARP1_G6985101036Aed Aph Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to Buffy CG8238-PA (LOC100164650), pa ...
6987ARP1_G698681028Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Nas Ped similar to alcohol dehydrogenase (LOC100166006)
6988ARP1_G6987101055Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Ped Tri similar to sodium-dependent phosphate transpo ...
6989ARP1_G698871047Aed Ano Aph Cul Nas Ped Tri similar to AGAP004572-PA (LOC100161238)
6990ARP1_G6989101042Ano Aph Api Dap Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to AGAP001130-PA (LOC100161916)
6991ARP1_G6990101034Aed Ano Aph Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ped Tri similar to AGAP002072-PA (LOC100169156)
6992ARP1_G6991101036Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Nas Tri conserved hypothetical protein
6993ARP1_G6992101053Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Ixo Nas Ped similar to 39S ribosomal protein L13 (LOC1001 ...
6994ARP1_G699391073Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Nas Ped Tri PREDICTED: Acyrthosiphon pisum hypothetical p ...
6995ARP1_G6994101037Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Nas Tri similar to AGAP004150-PA (LOC100162074)
6996ARP1_G699571031Ano Aph Cul Dro Dro Nas Tri similar to conserved hypothetical protein (LO ...
6997ARP1_G699691038Aed Ano Aph Cul Dro Dro Dro Nas Tri similar to superoxide dismutase copper chaper ...
6998ARP1_G699771047Aed Aph Cul Dro Dro Nas Ped conserved hypothetical protein
6999ARP1_G6998101032Ano Aph Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to AGAP001735-PA (LOC100158860)
7000ARP1_G6999101056Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to AGAP002290-PA (LOC100165014)

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