DroSpeGe About Arthropods BLAST BioMart Maps Data News

Results from Arthropod Gene Clusters

Query: arthropodxml-source:eugenes No. matches = 27493 of 27496 documents, in 0.0060 sec.
4501ARP1_G4500121353Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to conserved hypothetical protein (LO ...
4502ARP1_G4501121328Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to AGAP002283-PA (LOC100168693)
4503ARP1_G4502131339Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to AGAP006992-PA (LOC100161760)
4504ARP1_G4503131342Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to Protein RFT1 homolog (LOC100163005)
4505ARP1_G4504101337Aed Ano Aph Cul Dro Dro Dro Ixo Ped Tri similar to CG12001 CG12001-PA (LOC100163918)
4506ARP1_G4505121335Aed Ano Aph Api Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to dynactin P62 subunit (LOC100162890)
4507ARP1_G4506131362Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to AGAP009439-PA (LOC100169460)
4508ARP1_G4507121343Aed Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to alpha globin regulatory element co ...
4509ARP1_G4508131327Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to Sister chromatid cohesion protein ...
4510ARP1_G4509121372Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri chromodomain helicase dna binding protein
4511ARP1_G4510121354Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to GA21375-PA (LOC100162935)
4512ARP1_G4511131330Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to WD repeat protein 18 (LOC100167131)
4513ARP1_G4512131338Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to ubiquitin ligase E3 alpha (LOC1001 ...
4514ARP1_G4513131372Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to phosphatidylinositol glycan (LOC10 ...
4515ARP1_G4514111341Aed Ano Aph Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to SD06366p (LOC100162603)
4516ARP1_G4515111326Aed Ano Aph Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Tri similar to leucine rich protein, putative (LO ...
4517ARP1_G4516131333Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri conserved hypothetical protein
4518ARP1_G4517131339Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to GA10675-PA (LOC100159542)
4519ARP1_G4518131345Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to GA16436-PA (LOC100167658)
4520ARP1_G4519131355Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to putative prefoldin (LOC100163321)
4521ARP1_G4520101361Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to Bromodomain-containing protein 2 ( ...
4522ARP1_G4521131351Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to general vesicular transport factor ...
4523ARP1_G4522111369Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to insulinprotein enhancer protein is ...
4524ARP1_G4523111345Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped similar to Probable DNA-directed RNA polymera ...
4525ARP1_G4524121347Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to fragile site-associated protein (L ...
4526ARP1_G4525121341Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to AGAP009487-PA (LOC100160401)
4527ARP1_G4526111371Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to mitochondrial chaperone bcs1 (LOC1 ...
4528ARP1_G4527131361Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to GTP-binding protein YPTM1 (LOC1001 ...
4529ARP1_G4528131342Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to SUMO1 activating enzyme subunit 1 ...
4530ARP1_G4529131328Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to brefeldin A-sensitive peripheral G ...
4531ARP1_G453081344Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Ixo Tri similar to nicotinic acetylcholine receptor a ...
4532ARP1_G4531131354Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to endothelin-converting enzyme (LOC1 ...
4533ARP1_G4532111339Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to UPF0568 protein C14orf166 (LOC1001 ...
4534ARP1_G4533121363Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to cation-transporting atpase (LOC100 ...
4535ARP1_G4534131328Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to CG4554 CG4554-PA (LOC100160136)
4536ARP1_G4535131338Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to polybromo-1 (LOC100160159)
4537ARP1_G4536101326Ano Aph Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Ped Tri conserved hypothetical protein loc=supercont ...
4538ARP1_G4537121346Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to RE69393p (LOC100159551)
4539ARP1_G4538131339Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to CG17726 CG17726-PA (LOC100168872)
4540ARP1_G4539131344Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to UDP-galactose transporter (LOC1001 ...
4541ARP1_G4540131328Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to mitochondrial ribosomal protein, S ...
4542ARP1_G4541121334Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to WD repeat and HMG-box DNA binding ...
4543ARP1_G4542121337Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to S phase cyclin A-associated protei ...
4544ARP1_G4543121345Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to nudix hydrolase 6 (LOC100159385)
4545ARP1_G4544121337Aed Ano Aph Api Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to CG2467 CG2467-PA (LOC100166230)
4546ARP1_G4545131354Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to mediator complex (LOC100169192)
4547ARP1_G4546131340Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to CG7927 CG7927-PA (LOC100164702)
4548ARP1_G4547121363Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to sodium/hydrogen exchanger 8 (LOC10 ...
4549ARP1_G4548131348Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to UDP-glucose glycoprotein:glucosylt ...
4550ARP1_G4549111371Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Ixo Ped Tri similar to AGAP008334-PA (LOC100162780)
4551ARP1_G4550111342Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to forkhead box subgroup O (LOC100168097)
4552ARP1_G4551101374Aed Ano Aph Api Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to CG31523 CG31523-PA (LOC100166007)
4553ARP1_G4552131347Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to carnitine o-acyltransferase (LOC10 ...
4554ARP1_G4553121341Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to CG10914 CG10914-PA (LOC100161909)
4555ARP1_G4554111348Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri conserved hypothetical protein
4556ARP1_G4555121337Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to CG1311 CG1311-PA (LOC100159864)
4557ARP1_G4556131331Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to conserved hypothetical protein (LO ...
4558ARP1_G4557121333Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to timeless homolog (Drosophila) (LOC ...
4559ARP1_G4558131357Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to innexin (LOC100162039)
4560ARP1_G4559131362Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to LOC398372 protein (LOC100167591)
4561ARP1_G4560131370Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to CG12259 CG12259-PA (LOC100165805)
4562ARP1_G4561121351Aed Ano Aph Api Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to AAEL014709-PA (LOC100167565)
4563ARP1_G4562131364Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri parvin
4564ARP1_G4563121355Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri conserved hypothetical protein
4565ARP1_G4564131380Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to optix (LOC100159487)
4566ARP1_G4565131365Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri 60S acidic ribosomal protein P0
4567ARP1_G4566121346Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to AGAP007544-PA (LOC100164361)
4568ARP1_G4567121329Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to CG13124 CG13124-PA (LOC100165116)
4569ARP1_G4568131345Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to MGC82850 protein (LOC100165082)
4570ARP1_G4569131350Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to soluble guanylyl cyclase alpha-1 s ...
4571ARP1_G4570121333Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri glycosyltransferase
4572ARP1_G4571131338Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to CDC14 cell division cycle 14 homol ...
4573ARP1_G4572121323Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri testis development protein nyd-sp29
4574ARP1_G4573121343Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to AGAP001102-PA (LOC100164791)
4575ARP1_G4574131397Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to Histone H2AV (H2A.F/Z) (LOC100164311)
4576ARP1_G4575131370Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to AGAP008106-PA (LOC100166668)
4577ARP1_G4576131363Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to dusky CG9355-PA (LOC100167687)
4578ARP1_G4577131346Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to leucine rich repeat (in flii) inte ...
4579ARP1_G4578101359Aed Ano Aph Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Tri similar to Aminopeptidase-like 1 (LOC100161703)
4580ARP1_G4579131336Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to CG11498 CG11498-PA (LOC100162944)
4581ARP1_G4580131357Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to Polypeptide N-acetylgalactosaminyl ...
4582ARP1_G4581111379Aed Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to LSM Sm-like protein family member ...
4583ARP1_G4582131338Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to Dynactin subunit 1 (150 kDa dynein ...
4584ARP1_G4583131335Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to lethal (1) G0095 CG12113-PA (LOC10 ...
4585ARP1_G4584131358Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to Probable phenylalanyl-tRNA synthet ...
4586ARP1_G4585121332Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Tri similar to corticotropin releasing hormone bi ...
4587ARP1_G4586131341Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to deltex, putative (LOC100160891)
4588ARP1_G4587121334Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to AGAP005551-PA (LOC100163501), part ...
4589ARP1_G4588111335Aed Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri conserved hypothetical protein
4590ARP1_G4589121348Aed Ano Aph Api Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to DNA mismatch repair protein mlh1 ( ...
4591ARP1_G4590121358Aed Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to exosome complex exonuclease RRP41 ...
4592ARP1_G4591111343Aed Ano Aph Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Tri similar to annulin (LOC100162140)
4593ARP1_G4592131350Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to mitochondrial 28S ribosomal protei ...
4594ARP1_G4593131359Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to arylhydrocarbon receptor nuclear t ...
4595ARP1_G4594131325Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri conserved hypothetical protein
4596ARP1_G4595131364Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to transport protein SEC22 (LOC100168828)
4597ARP1_G4596131352Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to GA18135-PA (LOC100165225)
4598ARP1_G4597121378Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to adam (LOC100158671)
4599ARP1_G4598111337Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ped Tri similar to RhoGEF4 CG8606-PA (LOC100159028)
4600ARP1_G4599121336Aed Ano Aph Api Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to mitochondrial ornithine transporte ...
4601ARP1_G4600131363Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to Rab-related protein 3 CG7062-PA (L ...
4602ARP1_G4601121345Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to GH10292p (LOC100159903), partial mRNA
4603ARP1_G4602131365Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to MNUDC protein (LOC100165432)
4604ARP1_G4603121340Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to secretory carrier membrane protein ...
4605ARP1_G4604101347Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to ubiquitin conjugating enzyme 7 int ...
4606ARP1_G4605131378Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to cleavage and polyadenylation speci ...
4607ARP1_G4606131350Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to membrane-associated guanylate kina ...
4608ARP1_G4607121346Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to xylulokinase homolog (LOC100163876)
4609ARP1_G4608131378Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri 40S ribosomal protein S17
4610ARP1_G4609121353Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to deoxycytidylate deaminase (LOC1001 ...
4611ARP1_G4610111363Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Tri similar to ribosomal protein L7Ae (LOC100166754)
4612ARP1_G4611131337Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to exo70 CG7127-PA (LOC100163694)
4613ARP1_G4612131351Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to Probable ATP-dependent RNA helicas ...
4614ARP1_G4613131351Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to AGAP009236-PA (LOC100160949)
4615ARP1_G4614121358Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri spastin
4616ARP1_G461561351Aed Ano Cul Dro Dro Dro alpha-amylase
4617ARP1_G4616121347Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri lipid a export atp-binding/permease protein msba
4618ARP1_G4617121333Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri fibulin 1 and
4619ARP1_G4618121339Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri f-box protein
4620ARP1_G461951333Aed Ano Cul Dap Dro carboxylesterase
4621ARP1_G4620101339Aed Ano Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri sodium/solute symporter
4622ARP1_G4621121346Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri replication factor C large subunit, putative
4623ARP1_G462291334Aed Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Tri sentrin/sumo-specific protease senp7
4624ARP1_G4623111358Aed Ano Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri homeobox protein distal-less dlx
4625ARP1_G4624121357Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E b ...
4626ARP1_G4625121361Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri forkhead protein/ forkhead protein domain
4627ARP1_G4626121348Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri supercoiling factor, putative
4628ARP1_G4627101335Aed Ano Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri tipe protein (temperature-induced paralytic e)
4629ARP1_G462821355Aed Cul cuticle protein, putative
4630ARP1_G4629111350Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri dipeptidyl peptidase iii
4631ARP1_G463041331Aed Dro Dro Dro amp dependent ligase
4632ARP1_G4631111338Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri conserved hypothetical protein
4633ARP1_G4632111337Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri conserved hypothetical protein
4634ARP1_G463381336Aed Ano Cul Dro Dro Dro Ped Tri mfs transporter
4635ARP1_G4634111360Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri heat shock factor binding protein, putative
4636ARP1_G4635121359Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri development and differentiation-enhancing fac ...
4637ARP1_G4636111329Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri conserved hypothetical protein
4638ARP1_G4637121340Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri conserved hypothetical protein
4639ARP1_G4638121326Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri galectin
4640ARP1_G4639111333Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri rnase h (70)
4641ARP1_G4640111330Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri conserved hypothetical protein
4642ARP1_G4641101342Aed Ano Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri amino acid transporter
4643ARP1_G4642101325Aed Ano Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri conserved hypothetical protein
4644ARP1_G4643101342Aed Ano Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri conserved hypothetical protein
4645ARP1_G4644121341Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri hairy protein
4646ARP1_G4645101328Aed Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Tri Cap2b receptor, putative
4647ARP1_G4646121347Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri rhophilin
4648ARP1_G4647101322Aed Ano Cul Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri hypothetical protein
4649ARP1_G464891350Aed Ano Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Nas Tri glyoxylate/hydroxypyruvate reductase
4650ARP1_G4649111339Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri trypsin, putative
4651ARP1_G4650111338Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Ped Tri conserved hypothetical protein
4652ARP1_G4651111342Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri potassium-dependent sodium-calcium exchanger, ...
4653ARP1_G4652121364Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri protein phosphatase-5
4654ARP1_G4653101363Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped eyes absent
4655ARP1_G465491361Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Nas Tri defective proboscis extension response, putative
4656ARP1_G4655121341Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri chitinase
4657ARP1_G4656121342Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri breakpoint cluster region protein (bcr)
4658ARP1_G4657121335Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri katanin P80 subunit
4659ARP1_G4658101349Aed Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri tetraspanin 97e
4660ARP1_G465961335Aed Ano Cul Dro Dro Dro Caspase-3 precursor
4661ARP1_G466091336Aed Ano Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ped Tri conserved hypothetical protein
4662ARP1_G4661111348Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri ubiquitin-protein ligase
4663ARP1_G4662111344Aed Ano Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri serine protease htra2
4664ARP1_G4663121358Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri conserved hypothetical protein
4665ARP1_G4664111343Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri conserved hypothetical protein
4666ARP1_G4665121355Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri otopetrin
4667ARP1_G4666111357Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri conserved hypothetical protein
4668ARP1_G466791344Aed Ano Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Nas Tri peptidoglycan recognition protein sc2
4669ARP1_G4668121358Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri nuclear receptor nhr-48
4670ARP1_G4669101337Aed Api Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri conserved hypothetical protein
4671ARP1_G4670111350Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri conserved hypothetical protein
4672ARP1_G4671101323Aed Ano Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Tri hypothetical protein
4673ARP1_G4672111359Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri conserved hypothetical protein
4674ARP1_G467371336Aed Ano Cul Dro Dro Dro Ped hypothetical protein
4675ARP1_G4674111336Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri testis development protein prtd
4676ARP1_G4675111329Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Tri calcium-binding protein, putative
4677ARP1_G467691345Aed Ano Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Ped Tri hypothetical protein
4678ARP1_G4677121351Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri prolyl endopeptidase (prolyl oligopeptidase)
4679ARP1_G4678111331Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri conserved hypothetical protein
4680ARP1_G4679101337Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped conserved hypothetical protein
4681ARP1_G4680101326Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri 2-Keto-3-deoxy-(6-phospho-)gluconate aldolase ...
4682ARP1_G468171327Aed Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo conserved hypothetical protein
4683ARP1_G4682111332Aed Ano Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri sterol o-acyltransferase
4684ARP1_G4683121356Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri phosphopentothenoylcysteine decarboxylase
4685ARP1_G468441324Aed Ano Cul Nas Odorant receptor 9a, putative
4686ARP1_G4685121362Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri 4-hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase
4687ARP1_G4686101348Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Tri serine-pyruvate aminotransferase
4688ARP1_G4687111330Aed Ano Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri conserved hypothetical protein
4689ARP1_G468891327Aed Ano Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ped Tri conserved hypothetical protein
4690ARP1_G4689121339Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri set
4691ARP1_G469031345Aed Ano Cul amp dependent ligase
4692ARP1_G4691111351Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri glutamate decarboxylase
4693ARP1_G4692101340Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ped Tri tetraspanin, putative
4694ARP1_G4693121323Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri condensin, XCAP-G'-subunit, putative
4695ARP1_G469491347Aed Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri conserved hypothetical protein
4696ARP1_G4695121342Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri conserved hypothetical protein
4697ARP1_G4696111344Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri conserved hypothetical protein
4698ARP1_G4697111354Aed Ano Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri sumo ligase
4699ARP1_G469891344Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas conserved hypothetical protein
4700ARP1_G4699111323Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri conserved hypothetical protein
4701ARP1_G470031327Aed Ano Cul hypothetical protein
4702ARP1_G4701121348Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri conserved hypothetical protein
4703ARP1_G4702101354Aed Ano Api Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Ped Tri maleylacetoacetate isomerase, putative
4704ARP1_G4703111333Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri ubiquitin specific protease
4705ARP1_G4704121359Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri activin receptor type I, putative
4706ARP1_G4705111327Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Tri conserved hypothetical protein
4707ARP1_G470681334Aed Ano Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Tri sugar transporter
4708ARP1_G4707111353Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri sterol desaturase
4709ARP1_G4708101346Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Tri sodium-dependent phosphate transporter
4710ARP1_G4709121336Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase
4711ARP1_G4710101344Aed Ano Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Tri n-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase
4712ARP1_G4711111340Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri stathmin
4713ARP1_G4712111345Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri importin alpha
4714ARP1_G4713121336Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri conserved hypothetical protein
4715ARP1_G4714111337Aed Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri translocon-associated protein, delta subunit
4716ARP1_G4715101356Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Ped conserved hypothetical protein
4717ARP1_G4716121348Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri estrogen-related receptor (ERR)
4718ARP1_G471761330Aed Ano Cul Dro Dro Dro conserved hypothetical protein
4719ARP1_G471891373Aed Ano Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Nas Tri conserved hypothetical protein
4720ARP1_G4719101330Aed Ano Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri conserved hypothetical protein
4721ARP1_G4720121342Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri ganglioside induced differentiation associate ...
4722ARP1_G4721111330Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri transcription factor IIIA, putative
4723ARP1_G4722111342Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri conserved hypothetical protein
4724ARP1_G4723111328Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Ped Tri aquaporin, putative
4725ARP1_G4724121347Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri sulfite reductase
4726ARP1_G4725111349Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri symbol, putative
4727ARP1_G472681335Aed Ano Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Tri cytochrome P450
4728ARP1_G4727121336Aed Ano Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri peptide n-glycanase (pngase)
4729ARP1_G472881328Aed Ano Cul Dro Dro Dro Nas Tri Niemann-Pick Type C-2, putative
4730ARP1_G472961361Api Dro Dro Dro Nas Tri similar to CG33205-PB, isoform B(LOC725594)
4731ARP1_G473091391Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to CG5907-PA, isoform A(LOC551385)
4732ARP1_G473171325Api Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri CG14689 CG14689-PA [Drosophila melanogaster]
4733ARP1_G473251335Api Dro Dro Dro Nas similar to -Esterase-7 CG1112-PA,isoform A (L ...
4734ARP1_G473381333Ano Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Nas Tri similar to CG14116-PA(LOC726382)
4735ARP1_G473441339Api Dap Dro Ixo similar to multi sex combsCG12058-PA (LOC724474)
4737ARP1_G473621336Ano Tri similar to pickpocket (LOC655347)
4738ARP1_G473711341Cul conserved hypothetical protein loc=supercont ...
4739ARP1_G473811343Cul tetratricopeptide repeat protein, tpr loc=su ...
4740ARP1_G473951332Cul Dro Dro Nas Tri conserved hypothetical protein loc=supercont ...
4741ARP1_G474021332Cul Dap salivary C-type lectin loc=supercont3.964|37 ...
4744ARP1_G474311356Dap similar to Drosophila melanogaster/CG2101-PA, ...
4747ARP1_G474621335Dap Ixo
4749ARP1_G474811334Dap similar to Schistosoma mansoni/Gag-pol polyprotein
4758ARP1_G475711398Dro Stellate 12D orphon CG32616-PA [Drosophila me ...
4759ARP1_G475821386Dro Dro
4763ARP1_G476211356Nas PREDICTED: Nasonia vitripennis hypothetical p ...
4764ARP1_G476311329Nas similar to ankyrin repeat protein, putative ( ...
4765ARP1_G476411326Nas PREDICTED: Nasonia vitripennis hypothetical p ...
4766ARP1_G476511344Nas PREDICTED: Nasonia vitripennis hypothetical p ...
4767ARP1_G476611362Nas similar to polypeptide (LOC100116510)
4771ARP1_G477011332Nas similar to granzyme-1 (LOC100113763)
4773ARP1_G477211328Tri similar to AGAP005162-PA (LOC663372)
4774ARP1_G477311323Tri similar to conserved hypothetical protein (LO ...
4775ARP1_G477411329Tri similar to CG13913 CG13913-PA (LOC660251)
4776ARP1_G4775121250Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to Van Gogh CG8075-PA (LOC100166671)
4778ARP1_G4777111237Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Tri similar to CG8128 CG8128-PA (LOC100164961)
4779ARP1_G4778101235Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped similar to calcitoningene-related peptide-rec ...
4781ARP1_G4780121285Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri vacuolar atp synthase subunit f
4782ARP1_G4781101248Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Ped Tri similar to AGAP007094-PA (LOC100160685)
4783ARP1_G478231249Aph Dap Ixo
4784ARP1_G4783121232Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped similar to deoxyribonuclease ii (LOC100161890)
4785ARP1_G4784121228Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to conserved hypothetical protein (LO ...
4786ARP1_G4785121255Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to rho-associated protein kinase 1 (L ...
4787ARP1_G478691244Aph Api Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to CG6329 CG6329-PC (LOC100161277)
4788ARP1_G4787121242Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Ped Tri similar to WD repeat protein 36 (LOC100163426)
4790ARP1_G4789121221Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to KIAA0406-like protein (LOC100164474)
4791ARP1_G4790111234Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ped Tri conserved hypothetical protein
4794ARP1_G479321254Aph Cul similar to conserved hypothetical protein (LO ...
4795ARP1_G4794111266Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to AGAP007991-PA (LOC100160991), part ...
4797ARP1_G4796121226Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to Ring finger and WD repeat domain 3 ...
4798ARP1_G4797121270Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to lethal (1) G0136 CG8198-PA (LOC100 ...
4799ARP1_G4798121225Aed Ano Aph Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri conserved hypothetical protein
4800ARP1_G4799111240Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped similar to solute carrier family 23 member 2 ...
4801ARP1_G4800121238Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to GA11233-PA (LOC100167443)
4802ARP1_G4801121271Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to GA21932-PA (LOC100160352)
4803ARP1_G4802111251Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Tri similar to AGAP006014-PA (LOC100166263), part ...
4804ARP1_G4803121234Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to lunapark (LOC100165588)
4806ARP1_G4805101258Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to slit-robo rho GTPase activating pr ...
4807ARP1_G4806121244Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to AGAP005450-PA (LOC100161124)
4808ARP1_G4807111254Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped similar to short-chain dehydrogenase (LOC1001 ...
4809ARP1_G4808121251Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to proteasome 26S non-ATPase subunit ...
4810ARP1_G4809121234Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to predicted protein (LOC100169231)
4811ARP1_G4810101225Aed Aph Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Tri similar to COMM domain containing 10 (LOC1001 ...
4812ARP1_G481191269Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Ixo Nas Ped Tri voltage-gated potassium channel
4813ARP1_G4812121243Aed Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to LOC564961 protein (LOC100165970)
4814ARP1_G4813121236Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to CG12918 CG12918-PA (LOC100165924)
4815ARP1_G481491234Aed Ano Aph Api Dap Dro Dro Dro Tri similar to LYR motif-containing protein 7 (LO ...
4816ARP1_G4815111252Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to transformation/transcription domai ...
4817ARP1_G4816101222Aed Aph Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri conserved hypothetical protein
4818ARP1_G4817101236Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Ped Tri similar to beat protein (LOC100160452), parti ...
4819ARP1_G4818121250Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to phosphoinositide-binding protein, ...
4820ARP1_G4819101239Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Ped Tri similar to peroxisomal membrane protein PMP22 ...
4821ARP1_G4820111230Aed Ano Aph Api Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to CG17257 CG17257-PB (LOC100163714)
4822ARP1_G4821121285Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to AGAP007522-PA (LOC100163915)
4823ARP1_G4822111246Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped similar to rCG29836 (LOC100165017)
4824ARP1_G482321236Aph Dap
4825ARP1_G4824111264Aed Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to putative mitochondria-associated g ...
4826ARP1_G4825121263Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to AGAP008136-PA (LOC100163787)
4827ARP1_G4826121264Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to Kuzbanian-like CG1964-PA (LOC10016 ...
4828ARP1_G482791242Aed Ano Aph Cul Dro Dro Dro Ixo Tri similar to death-associated protein-like prot ...
4829ARP1_G4828121274Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped conserved hypothetical protein
4830ARP1_G4829121268Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to Lipoic acid synthase CG5231-PA (LO ...
4831ARP1_G4830101245Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to AGAP003572-PA (LOC100167969), part ...
4832ARP1_G4831121242Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to CG8931 CG8931-PA (LOC100166419)
4833ARP1_G4832121236Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to Vacuolar protein sorting-associate ...
4834ARP1_G4833121231Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to CG3556 CG3556-PA (LOC100163627)
4835ARP1_G4834121269Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to 5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide rib ...
4836ARP1_G4835121260Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to Invadolysin CG3953-PA (LOC100165851)
4837ARP1_G4836121235Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to programmed cell death 2-like (LOC1 ...
4838ARP1_G4837121256Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to KDEL motif-containing protein 1 (L ...
4839ARP1_G4838121265Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to charged multivesicular body protei ...
4840ARP1_G4839121269Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to CG6750 CG6750-PA (LOC100164105)
4841ARP1_G4840111234Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to conserved hypothetical protein (LO ...
4842ARP1_G4841111235Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri flagellar radial spoke protein
4843ARP1_G4842111228Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Tri conserved hypothetical protein
4844ARP1_G4843111263Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped conserved hypothetical protein
4845ARP1_G4844121253Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to conserved hypothetical protein (LO ...
4847ARP1_G4846121248Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri n-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase
4848ARP1_G4847111252Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to AGAP011635-PA (LOC100164826)
4849ARP1_G4848111253Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Ped kinesin heavy chain
4850ARP1_G4849111239Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Tri similar to AGAP004842-PB (LOC100160345)
4851ARP1_G4850121226Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to B-cell leukemia/lymphoma 6 (LOC100 ...
4852ARP1_G4851101260Aed Ano Aph Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ped Tri similar to mitochondrial ribosomal protein S2 ...
4853ARP1_G4852111239Aed Ano Aph Api Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to AGAP003856-PA (LOC100167550)
4854ARP1_G4853121249Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to diadenosine tetraphosphate hydrola ...
4855ARP1_G4854111244Aed Ano Aph Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to Brahma associated protein 170kD, p ...
4856ARP1_G4855121282Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to replication factor C subunit 2 (LO ...
4857ARP1_G485611240Aph PREDICTED: Acyrthosiphon pisum hypothetical p ...
4858ARP1_G4857111238Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped similar to signal recognition particle 9 (LOC ...
4859ARP1_G4858121241Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Ped Tri similar to FIG4 homolog (LOC100165350)
4860ARP1_G4859121232Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri uroporphyrinogen iii synthase
4861ARP1_G4860111268Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped similar to small nuclear ribonucleoprotein po ...
4862ARP1_G4861121267Aed Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri 26S protease (S4) regulatory subunit, putative
4863ARP1_G4862121245Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to tryptophan oxygenase (LOC100159695)
4864ARP1_G4863121272Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to FYVE finger containing protein (LO ...
4865ARP1_G4864111236Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to stn-A (LOC100169285)
4866ARP1_G4865121224Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to misato CG1424-PA (LOC100160213)
4867ARP1_G4866111230Aed Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to Tbccl protein (LOC100163817)
4868ARP1_G4867121252Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to tumor suppressor protein, putative ...
4869ARP1_G4868121283Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri beta-adrenergic receptor kinase
4870ARP1_G4869111242Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to wurst CG9089-PA (LOC100168578)
4871ARP1_G4870121244Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to Eukaryotic translation initiation ...
4872ARP1_G4871101252Aed Ano Aph Api Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Tri similar to Diuretic hormone 31 CG13094-PC (LO ...
4873ARP1_G4872121246Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Ped Tri similar to DNA-directed RNA polymerase (LOC10 ...
4874ARP1_G4873111241Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to yellow-h (LOC100161748)
4875ARP1_G4874121242Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to mediator complex, subunit, putativ ...
4876ARP1_G4875111247Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Ped similar to GA20898-PA (LOC100169009)
4877ARP1_G4876111266Aed Ano Aph Api Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to rer1 protein (LOC100162743)
4878ARP1_G487731241Aph Dap Ixo
4879ARP1_G4878121279Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to cdk5 (LOC100160718)
4880ARP1_G4879121255Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to Hsp70-interacting protein, putativ ...
4881ARP1_G4880111257Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to CG7397 CG7397-PA (LOC100159361)
4882ARP1_G4881121237Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to Ran binding protein 11 (LOC100162908)
4883ARP1_G488261226Aph Api Dap Nas Ped Tri similar to conserved hypothetical protein (LO ...
4884ARP1_G4883121241Aed Ano Aph Api Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to ran gtpase-activating protein (LOC ...
4885ARP1_G4884121228Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to CG6294 CG6294-PA (LOC100166287)
4886ARP1_G4885121233Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to tyrosine-protein kinase (LOC100162339)
4887ARP1_G4886121262Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to CG9467 CG9467-PA (LOC100169620)
4888ARP1_G4887121252Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to AGAP009846-PA (LOC100163071)
4889ARP1_G4888121258Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to acidic fibroblast growth factor in ...
4890ARP1_G4889101259Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Tri similar to CG8129 CG8129-PB (LOC100165866)
4891ARP1_G4890121239Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to CG8230 CG8230-PA (LOC100158717)
4892ARP1_G4891121282Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to CG14614 CG14614-PA (LOC100162586)
4893ARP1_G4892121236Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to cell surface protein chaoptin (LOC ...
4894ARP1_G4893111248Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ped Tri conserved hypothetical protein
4895ARP1_G4894121224Aed Ano Aph Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to predicted protein (LOC100158828)
4896ARP1_G4895121243Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to GTP-binding protein hflx (LOC10016 ...
4897ARP1_G4896121242Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to arginyl-tRNA synthetase (LOC100166126)
4898ARP1_G4897121239Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to CG5645 CG5645-PA (LOC100163316)
4899ARP1_G4898121252Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Tri similar to GA19585-PA (LOC100164179)
4900ARP1_G4899121236Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to zinc finger protein (LOC100161335) ...
4901ARP1_G4900121232Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri conserved hypothetical protein
4902ARP1_G490191229Aed Ano Aph Dro Dro Dro Ixo Ped Tri hypothetical protein
4903ARP1_G4902121254Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to CG6972 CG6972-PA (LOC100167305)
4904ARP1_G4903121230Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to mevalonate kinase (LOC100163305)
4905ARP1_G4904121252Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to asparagine-linked glycosylation 3 ...
4906ARP1_G4905121252Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to ribosomal RNA methyltransferase (L ...
4907ARP1_G4906121261Aed Ano Aph Api Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to phosphatidylinositol-binding clath ...
4908ARP1_G4907121251Aed Ano Aph Api Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to GA18268-PA (LOC100167128)
4909ARP1_G4908121242Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to Zpr1 CG9060-PA (LOC100167898)
4910ARP1_G4909111245Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to AGAP006893-PB (LOC100163483)
4911ARP1_G4910111236Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to beta-lactamase hcpA (LOC100168175)
4912ARP1_G4911121231Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to chromosome region maintenance prot ...
4913ARP1_G4912121267Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri conserved hypothetical protein
4914ARP1_G4913121266Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to cyclin l (LOC100162684)
4915ARP1_G4914121231Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to AGAP010317-PA (LOC100167817)
4916ARP1_G4915121260Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Ped Tri similar to AGAP009528-PA (LOC100163588)
4917ARP1_G491621243Aph Nas
4918ARP1_G491711245Aph PREDICTED: Acyrthosiphon pisum hypothetical p ...
4919ARP1_G4918111242Aed Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to zinc finger protein 403 (LOC100163212)
4920ARP1_G4919121250Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to NUCB1 CG32190-PA (LOC100164693)
4921ARP1_G4920111232Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to conserved hypothetical protein (LO ...
4922ARP1_G492111248Aph similar to sugar transporter (LOC100161426)
4923ARP1_G4922111232Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas similar to predicted protein (LOC100163461)
4924ARP1_G4923121240Aed Ano Aph Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri conserved hypothetical protein
4925ARP1_G492421249Aph Cul similar to conserved hypothetical protein (LO ...
4926ARP1_G492551225Aph Dap Ixo Nas Tri similar to predicted protein (LOC100159240)
4927ARP1_G4926111234Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped similar to AGAP001549-PA (LOC100159550)
4928ARP1_G4927101245Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to conserved hypothetical protein (LO ...
4929ARP1_G492811261Aph similar to Eukaryotic translation initiation ...
4930ARP1_G4929111235Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped similar to cadherin (LOC100167397)
4931ARP1_G4930121238Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to Prolyl-tRNA synthetase CG12186-PA ...
4932ARP1_G493171232Aph Api Cul Dap Nas Ped Tri similar to stall CG3622-PC (LOC100159216)
4933ARP1_G4932121267Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri band 4.1-like protein 5, putative
4934ARP1_G4933111248Aed Ano Aph Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Ped Tri similar to programmed cell death (LOC100162476)
4935ARP1_G4934121257Aed Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to CG4733-PA (LOC100162850)
4936ARP1_G4935121227Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to hCG2016942 (LOC100162204)
4938ARP1_G4937121249Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to CG5013 CG5013-PA (LOC100159307)
4939ARP1_G4938111231Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to predicted protein (LOC100159917)
4940ARP1_G4939121239Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to conserved hypothetical protein (LO ...
4941ARP1_G4940121244Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to glucuronyltransferase I (LOC100159562)
4942ARP1_G4941121240Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to protein geranylgeranyltransferase ...
4943ARP1_G4942121240Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to Uncharacterized protein C8orf32 ho ...
4944ARP1_G4943121248Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to putative SEC13-like protein 1 (LOC ...
4945ARP1_G4944111230Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to AGAP003164-PA (LOC100160584)
4946ARP1_G4945111235Aed Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to V-1 protein, putative (LOC100163676)
4947ARP1_G4946121272Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to hemolin-interacting protein (LOC10 ...
4948ARP1_G4947121272Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to br serine/threonine-protein kinase ...
4949ARP1_G4948121247Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to CG32105 CG32105-PB (LOC100166469)
4950ARP1_G4949121232Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to mitochondrial ribosomal protein S2 ...
4951ARP1_G495021239Aph Nas similar to conserved hypothetical protein (LO ...
4952ARP1_G4951111229Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to Est1p-like protein B (LOC100167840)
4953ARP1_G4952111254Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped conserved hypothetical protein
4954ARP1_G4953121278Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped similar to predicted protein (LOC100159311)
4955ARP1_G4954121228Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri ubiquitin specific protease
4956ARP1_G495541233Aph Cul Dap Tri predicted protein loc=supercont3.496|327509| ...
4957ARP1_G4956101246Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Nas Tri similar to CG30100 CG30100-PA, transcript var ...
4958ARP1_G4957121271Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to predicted protein (LOC100165362)
4959ARP1_G4958111261Aed Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to Sec24B protein, putative (LOC100164864)
4960ARP1_G4959121255Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to CG5053 CG5053-PA (LOC100161184)
4961ARP1_G4960121271Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to uridine cytidine kinase i (LOC1001 ...
4962ARP1_G4961121244Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped similar to pseudouridylate synthase (LOC100166073)
4963ARP1_G4962121238Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to peroxisome assembly factor-2 (pero ...
4964ARP1_G4963121238Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri conserved hypothetical protein
4966ARP1_G4965121261Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to NADH dehydrogenase flavoprotein 2, ...
4967ARP1_G4966121255Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Ped Tri similar to CG2852 CG2852-PA (LOC100163834)
4968ARP1_G4967121242Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to TBC1 domain family, member 9 (with ...
4969ARP1_G4968101227Aed Ano Aph Api Dap Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri hypothetical protein
4970ARP1_G4969121251Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to Ribonuclease H2 subunit A (RNase H ...
4971ARP1_G4970101234Ano Aph Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to methuselah-like (AGAP009453-PA) (L ...
4972ARP1_G4971121228Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to predicted protein (LOC100163505)
4973ARP1_G4972111242Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped similar to GA21378-PA (LOC100167432)
4974ARP1_G4973111235Aed Ano Aph Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped similar to AGAP007493-PA (LOC100167163)
4975ARP1_G4974121249Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to AGAP008229-PA (LOC100166487)
4976ARP1_G4975111226Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ped Tri similar to AGAP001233-PA (LOC100168633)
4977ARP1_G4976121241Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to Bapxr protein (LOC100169064)
4978ARP1_G4977121233Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to ribonuclease t2 (LOC100166313)
4979ARP1_G4978121230Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Ped Tri similar to HIT zinc finger family protein (LO ...
4980ARP1_G4979121251Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to protein phosphatases pp1 regulator ...
4981ARP1_G4980121245Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to center divider CG6027-PA (LOC100166978)
4982ARP1_G4981111227Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ped Tri similar to conserved hypothetical protein (LO ...
4983ARP1_G4982121236Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to lines CG11770-PA (LOC100168311)
4984ARP1_G4983101249Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Nas Tri hypothetical protein
4985ARP1_G4984111235Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Tri similar to GA20624-PA (LOC100161746)
4986ARP1_G4985121248Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to protein disulfide isomerase, putat ...
4987ARP1_G4986121253Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped Tri similar to extramacrochaetae protein (LOC1001 ...
4988ARP1_G4987121249Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Ped similar to SCF apoptosis response protein (LO ...
4989ARP1_G4988121228Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to conserved hypothetical protein (LO ...
4990ARP1_G4989121246Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to coiled-coil domain containing 124 ...
4991ARP1_G4990111231Aed Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Nas Tri similar to PI-3-kinase-related kinase SMG-1 ( ...
4992ARP1_G4991121223Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to CG4848 CG4848-PA (LOC100160583)
4993ARP1_G4992121237Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to CG15738 CG15738-PA (LOC100164489)
4994ARP1_G4993121249Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to ring finger protein (LOC100159446)
4996ARP1_G4995121224Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to GA21065-PA (LOC100167353)
4997ARP1_G499691270Aed Ano Aph Cul Dro Dro Dro Ped Tri similar to Cuticular protein 66Cb CG7076-PA ( ...
4998ARP1_G4997101241Aed Ano Aph Cul Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase NAG2 ...
4999ARP1_G4998121233Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Nas Ped Tri similar to predicted protein (LOC100169378)
5000ARP1_G4999121270Aed Ano Aph Api Cul Dap Dro Dro Dro Ixo Ped Tri similar to Noa36 CG10009-PA (LOC100162425)

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